Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 5: Famous Last Words

Last week my air conditioning went out at my house, where I usually do my homework. I am a late nighter, so going to the biz where I would have to leave by 2 am was out of the question. I asked my boyfriend if I could do my homework at his house, which has a really great kitchen counter with outlets everywhere, and he said it was okay! So last week I did most of my homework over there and I wrote all of my assignments for this class there. I felt like that area was very calming and there were not many distractions so I was being very productive. I wrote my most recent storytelling project on the diary entries of Dasaratha and his wives and I have received many positive comments, so I think that studying over there has been very positive! I also decided to use the blogging style for my final storybook and experimenting with this style was very useful in testing to see if I enjoyed it and if it was something others enjoyed reading also!
For anyone reading this who goes to OU, I am writing this in the NEW Bookmark in the lower level of the Biz! I would recommend ya’ll come down here and check it out!

Personal photo I took of the room I am in at the Bookmark
Outside of this course, which has proven to be much more time consuming than I anticipated, I have a pretty heavy course load this semester. This week I have an organic chemistry midterm Friday, and next week I have a microeconomics exam Monday and a biology exam Tuesday. Needless to say, I wont be getting very much sleep over the next week. I feel pretty prepared for the organic chemistry exam but I am not ready for the other two at all, so I am going to have to dedicate some serious time to those classes this week! I wish that we did not have assignments due every day in Indian Epics but I can understand why it is necessary to do so and cover all of the material Professor Gibbs deems important. Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Mary! I like how you first started out this post by connecting with what has been going on in your life outside of this class because it made it easier to connect with you! I am a late nighter as well, and I understand that must have been a frustrating time with no air conditioning! At least you had a boyfriend's place to go to! Hopefully his roommates are not creepy or anything. It sounds like you have a pretty heavy work load but I hope after week 5 it has been getting better!

  2. Hey Mary, I can't believe the bookmark looks that good! I haven't been there since it reopened and I can't wait to visit it soon. School is pretty much taking my life away from me too, it sucks but what can we do! I hope you did great on all your tests and got great grades! And also not having air conditioning would suck! Glad you had a back up!

  3. Oh no! Your AC! My roommates and I have had an awful time with out AC unit in our current house. It’s broken twice this since we moved in in June, so I understand how horrible that can be. Wow, so many exams! Luckily all of my classes this semester don’t do exams (I know, hate on me right?), and I don’t miss them! But good luck! I’m sure you’ll do brilliant!
