Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 12: Tech Tip || Google Translate

Admittedly, I used google translate all the time. I take Italian at OU, so I have some pretty serious first hand experience with the Italian-English translations on google translate. I have defintely found the Italian-English translations to be a bit confusion sometimes and even misleading, but it is such a terrific resource. The app for iPhone has a feature where you can speak into the microphone and it will translate what you said--Very useful if you are traveling around a country with a language-barrier to yours!

Here is my translation of one of Aesops fables:

The Fox and the Mask

"A fox entered the house of an actor and, rummaging in the midst of all his costumes, he also found a mask theater artistically molded. He held it up between his legs and said, "A magnificent head! But the brain, nothing." Here's a story for some men beautiful body but poor in spirit."

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