Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 9: Famous last words

This week has been a tough transition back into real life after spending the weekend in Dallas for OUTX. I had so much fun in Dallas and we stayed at the Fairmont hotel, which was really nice. I was so overwhelmed and terrified when I read of the murders by a student who attended OU. I do not understand how a person could murder anyone, let alone their entire family. The fact that he went to OUTX afterward added even more of a scary aspect to the whole situation because a murderer was walking among us in Dallas all weekend! Obviously, we do not know the entire story but I think that he will definitely end up in jail. I mean, he left his cell phone at Headington while he was committing the murders so he could not be tracked and he had two tweets automatically sent out while he was killing his family… that is just too much for my brain to wrap around. I’ve gotta move on to another subject.

This week was really jam packed with homecoming events but it was fun. I walked in the parade before the football game on Saturday morning, which was really exciting and the first time I was in a parade! I even got to hold the banner. It was pretty fun.

Personal photo: Second from the left! I had so much fun holding the banner at the hoco parade!

I have a busy week coming up, with lots of studying a microeconomics tutoring sessions. I have three exams next week: biology, micro, and organic chemistry. It is not going to be fun. I have been studying the last week but I feel like it’s not helping. This material is really tough. I wish I could have done all of the assignments for this class before the semester started getting more difficult. This class is just so time consuming!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary! I just wanted to thank you for your comments on my storybook! I really appreciate all of your kind words. Writing those stories took a long time since writing "as a mom" is such a foreign topic. I appreciate it!

    p.s. I'm also an Alpha Phi (I'm a junior) and your picture is really cute. (:
